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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Enjoy the Silence

Well, today was back to school for Irvine High! So, I got up early to send my little munchkins off to their first day! Anthony as a Junior and Amythyst as a Freshman!

I have always been the one to protest back to school, kicking and screaming because I know that when school is in, I have to be the meanie mom and force them to do homework and get to bed early and so on and so on. Well, today was not like any other first day of school! I got up and got the kids to school and gave Armand the car so he could get to work and it suddenly dawned on me! I was home alone and had HOURS to be just me! WHAT?!?! That's impossible, or so I was beginning to believe! The first day of school instantly became my new best friend! Don't get me wrong, I love my babies and there is nothing in the world that could ever make me love being a mom any more or less than I do, but peace and quiet has become a precious commodity around this place!'s what my day looked like: I moved all the furniture and vacuumed under it and sprayed for fleas (ick!), then I did 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned out the hallway closet, sorted out some clothes to give away, played around on facebook for a minute while enjoying some coffee and handled some football business and BAM! Just like that, the alone time was done! But it was the perfect amount of time for me!

Then I went to Irvine High School to sell some garb at the Freshman football game! Dang, can those boys play! Irvine beat South Torrance 44-6! It was very exciting! I sure hope that is an indicator as to what the season's gonna look like across the board! Tomorrow is the JV game and it's away. Thank goodness for teammates that are willing to carpool!

Amythyst had a great first day of high school, aside from getting LOST twice! OY! But she had a wonderfully chipper attitude when I picked her up and she is in her room doing homework right now! Anthony had a great day as well. They had the wings ceremony tonight for football! (that's when they put the stickers on their helmets) We had an amazing dinner and now, we're all chillin!

I hope tomorrow's a little bit cooler! Catch ya on the flip side!

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